Robinson Rancheria Education Center
Robinson Rancheria Education Center was opened in October 2000 as a Multipurpose Building. The building was to provide space for educational support and the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A) Department along with a half court for indoor basketball and Tribal meetings.
In October 2002 Robinson Rancheria was granted funding to expand the Education Center. This included expanding the half court into a full-size basketball court with bleachers, weight room, library, and a childcare center. Since the expansion, the center has been able to provide, Tribal events, fitness classes, educational support, cultural and wellness events.
The Robinson Rancheria Head Start program provided early childhood education to tribal members and provided the extra support to our youth preparing them for Kindergarten.
The Education Center partnered with Boys & Girls Club of America and was running as The Boy’s & Girls Club of the Pomo Nation for a couple of years.
The Education Center currently offers an afterschool program for youth K-12th, Higher Education / Vocational support. The center has a computer lab, classroom, library, college bound, weight room, full size basketball court and a kitchen. The center currently partners with local Tribes, Lake County Tribal Health, California Tribal TANF Partnership and Upper Lake School District providing cultural events, wellness classes, support groups, and sports events. The center runs a Men’s Basketball League.
The Education Center works with Upper Lake Unified School District and receives the Title VI Indian Education grant funding this funding helps us provide tutoring in the class and at the center.
Robinson has currently applied for Child Care Development Fund funding to help with childcare cost and looks to reopen a childcare/ Early Education Head start program in the future.
Robinson Rancheria Education Department Programs
Higher Education / Vocational Assistance
2 year and 4 year assistance for college students – Part time & Full time students
Vocational assistance for certificate programs
Graduation Incentive
High School
AA Graduate
BA Graduate
Vocational / Certificate
Please complete the incentive request and submit along with a copy of the diploma or certificate.
Grade Incentive
Youth 6th-12th, If your child has received a 3.0 gpa or higher at the end of the first and second semester you can submit a copy of your child’s report card to the Education Center.