Robinson Rancheria Enrollment Department
The Constitution of the tribe outlines the eligibility requirements for a person must meet before becoming a member of the Robinson Rancheria.
The following is the requirements one must meet to become a tribal member:
(a) All person whose name appears on the Revocation of Termination Proclamation and Restoration of Federal Status Notice for Robinson Rancheria as published in the Federal Register on June 29, 1977 (42 F. R. 33099).
(b) All person living on the effective date of this constitution who were listed as distributes and dependent members of their immediate families in the Plan for Distribution of the Assets to the Robinson Rancheria as approved by the Under Secretary of the Interior on August 30,1966, and published in the Federal Register on September 3, 1954 (30 F. R. 11330).
(c) Spouses of individuals listed in (a) above who have at least one-fourth (1/4) degree of California Indian blood.
(d) Persons who are lineal descendants of Individuals eligible for membership under (a) above, regardless of whether the ancestor through whom eligibility is claimed is living or deceased, provided such descendants possess at least one-fourth (1/4) degree California Indian blood.
Click Here for a Tribal Enrollment Application
Each person will submit an Enrollment Application. The application must be completed, signed and dated. All incomplete application will be returned to you.
Send along with your application copies of your State issued Birth Certificate and Social Security Card showing your SS#. Once the application is reviewed by the Enrollment Committee it is then forward to the Business Council for final approval. The Enrollment Department will let you know by letter if you need additional documents.
Contact Information
Robinson Rancheria
Enrollment Department
P.O. Box 428
Nice, CA 95464
Phone: 707-275-0527
FAX: 707-275-0235