Robinson Rancheria

Transportation Changes 2024

Please review and comment on, RR 2024 LRTP Interim Draft, please have comments available by February 15th,  2024. Presentation also available for review.


RR Interim Draft LRTP Presentation-min (1) RR 2024 LRTP Interim Draft 231204-min (1)

Tribal Transportation Program

The Robinson Rancheria Road Department was established when the Tribe entered into a 638 contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to receive its annual transportation funds directly instead of being administered by the BIA, October 1st, 2009. In 2013 the Tribe entered into a Tribal Transportation Program Agreement with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Road Department has also managed and closed out a Federal Transit Administration, Tribal Transportation Planning Grant, used to complete its Tribal Long Range Transportation Plan in 2012.

In 2019 the Robinson Rancheria Tribal Transportation Program joined the newly formed Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Transportation Alliance. The Alliance will bid on tribal transportation projects across the state. Each member tribe of the alliance will be providing a service to complete projects. Robinson Rancheria will be providing the marking/striping service for the projects. 

 The Robinson Rancheria Road Department continues work with the National Indian Justice Center and Caltrans with the tribal advisory committees. The Tribal Engagement/Tribal Assistance Tribal Advisory Committees goal is to help tribes secure funding from multiple funding sources for their transportation programs. The Active Transportation Needs Assessment Project, Tribal Advisory Committees goals is to help tribes identify and secure funds for Active Transportation projects across Indian country in California.

The Road Department has completed five construction projects on the Rancheria:

 In 2010 Robinson Rancheria Road Department partnered with Lake County and CalRecycle to rehabilitate the Nice-Lucerne Cutoff, which has the highest daily traffic for a Lake County owned road. 1,450 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt and 3,550 tons of Rubberized Asphalt Concrete were used to complete the project.

 In 2013 the Robinson Rancheria Road Department was able to complete its BIA-High Priority Project, which included construction/reconstruction of all Tribal residential roads and the Tribal administration building road & parking lot. 3,093 tons of Aggregate Base, 1,793 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt was used to complete the project. 

In 2016 the Robinson Rancheria Road Department completed the Education Center Parking Lot and the section of Acorn Drive between the Recycle Center and Gaming Commission buildings. 380 ton of Aggregate Base and 391 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt was used for completion of the project. 

In 2016 the Robinson Rancheria Road Department completed the rehabilitation of Quailtop Trail. The project included the removal of existing concrete slab and some existing concrete curbs, to increase the number of parking stalls. 104 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt was used to complete the project. The tribe completed the removal of concrete, site prep, striping of new parking lot and construction management. Included in the project was installing a concrete stairway from the townhouses to the administration parking lot. Also completed this construction season, was some rehabilitation of the parking lot at the Service Station. The failing of the north side of the parking lot, was addressed, by installing a concrete slab to stabilize the parking lot.

The Robinson Rancheria Tribal Transportation Program provides tribal elders with monthly bus passes. A total of 10 passes are provided monthly. We are in the process of identifying and securing additional funding to provide additional bus passes.

Currently we are providing project/construction management for the ICDBG, which is providing infrastructure for six additional housing sites and 250 feet of new road.

Currently we are completing an Active Transportation Needs Assessment, partnered with NIJC and Cal Berkley. The assessment will identify the priorities for pedestrian and bicycle needs. Once the assessment is completed the document will help the tribe when we apply for Active Transportation Program grant funds.

Robinson Rancheria
P.O. Box 4015
1545 E. Hwy 20
Nice, CA 95464
Ph# 707-275-0527
Fax# 707-275-0235

Office Hours

Monday – Friday OPEN
8:30 am to 12:00 pm OPEN
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm CLOSED for lunch
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm OPEN
Saturday – Sunday CLOSED

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