Robinson Rancheria

Elders are an important part of Robinson Rancheria tribe. Their knowledge, history, cultural understanding, and traditional knowledge establishes a unique cultural importance for Robinson Rancheria. Each Elder brings their stories to the center and enriches our lives.

The Elder Department serves Tribal members who are 55 and older. Elder meetings occur the first Friday of each month, and Elder bingo occurs the second Wednesdays of each month. The meetings and bingo are held at the Tribal Offices Conference room. The Elder meeting starts at 12:00 where lunch is provided, then the meeting occurs afterwards. The Elder Bingo starts at 5:00 with dinner provided and prizes are won.

For additional information, please contact Bernadine Tripp at 707-275-0527.

Robinson Rancheria
P.O. Box 4015
1545 E. Hwy 20
Nice, CA 95464
Ph# 707-275-0527
Fax# 707-275-0235

Office Hours

Monday – Friday OPEN
8:30 am to 12:00 pm OPEN
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm CLOSED for lunch
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm OPEN
Saturday – Sunday CLOSED

© Copyright 2020. All Rights Reserved Robinson Rancheria